Sony ZV E10 Mirrorless Camera Review


So here’s the new Sony ZV-E10. I just thought I’d do a quick review on how I’ve found it over the last week or so as a complete newbie, see how easy it is to use and just my thoughts.

First of all, it’s a really lightweight camera. I think this would be great for vlogging. This is not why I got the camera myself, but I think it’s very lightweight if you were trying to do that type of thing. It also has all the latest tech on it from the ZV-1, but it’s just got a removable lens here.

This means you can put any E-mount lenses on here, which is great if you want to level up in the future. The camera I got came with this kit lens, which is a 3.5 to 5.6 aperture and a 16 to 50-millimetre zoom. It’s got a steady shot on it and it’s pretty basic, but it does the job, and I think I will get a new lens in future for I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos that have said to use the Sigma 16 mm lens that’s supposed to be really good. You get this microphone windshield that you can just snap on the top of the camera, you can put a bunch of different Sony devices on like microphones or flashes.

So for me as a newbie, this is quite bizarre that this camera doesn’t come with a flash, but to be fair in photography and video, you don’t really want to be using flash, because it’s just not great, and especially when doing video and things, you just don’t want that.

You want to try and control the settings manually. I like the fact, that you can use this screen here, so you can have it at an angle while you’re pointing in a different direction. The main settings I’ve been using are these automatic. So you’ve got, a photo mode, slow motion mode and a video mode here.

You press the video on that button here and you can see it automatically picks depending on the light, like the macro. If you go close up or if it’s low light, it will adjust the settings for you, and it’s all set to auto exposure, et cetera. This is a slow mode option, which is quite useful but I have not got around to using that yet. And then you’ve got this normal photo mode. Now if you want to change the settings, for example, if I go into video settings, I can go into this function here and you can see all the options available.

Now I’ve got it in intelligent auto, which does the autofocusing, you know, the exposure that manages the ISO and all that kind of thing, for you, as you’re moving around, so if you’re vlogging, this is great. You can also override this and select manual, and then you can see I’ve been messing about with some settings, with some low light settings, and if you go on the function here, you can see all the different options.

Now, from what I figured out, I like having a lower ISO is better for quality in trying to manage it that way. So I was working on that and have a better aperture which you can control. Like so, see you can see it changing there, so this is all new to me, I know that lower aperture. And ISO, a lower ISO helps and you need, if you’re filming at 25, 4P or 25P I think this is range per second, this camera does, you want the shutter speed to be double. So, they’re the basic things that I’ve tried to mess around with at the moment and get my head around. But for now, you can just go on here and put it on intelligent auto, and it does a really good job. I find, it has a continuous autofocus, which is great. There’s also a product background de-focused button, which is there, you can see it will just, you can clear it.

If you want to get rid of that setting, you just press this button here, and it’s cancelled and switched to the background de-focus state. And I think these features are great if you don’t know what you’re doing, I’ve used it briefly and I think it’s just a really good way of getting in there.

Of course, in the future, I can upgrade my lenses and then whenever I’m ready to upgrade to a better camera, I can buy a camera that’s compatible with it.


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